1 clove garlic
4tbsp (60ml) olive oil
1tbsp (15ml) lemon juice
1tbsp (5ml) Dijon mustard
Salt as desired
Freshly ground pepper as desired
4 rashers bacon (streaky)
1 and 1/2oz (50g) white bread (crusts removed)
8oz (250g) dandelion leaves
1. Peel the garlic and chop very finely. For the vinaigrette, mix the garlic, 3tbsp (45ml) olive oil, lemon juice and mustard. Season with salt and pepper.
2. Fry the bacon in a dry frying pan until crisp, then drain on absorbent paper.
3. Cut the bread into 1/2in (1cm) cubes. Heat 1tbsp (15ml) oil in a frying pan and fry the bread until crisp and brown. Wash the dandelion leaves, dry and toss with the vinaigrette. Serve garnished with bacon and croutons.
This Salad recipe was published in 'Continental Cuisine - p10'.
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