
Corn - Vegetable/Fruit Summer Produce

➤ When: Even though corn that is knee high by the Fourth of July has often been genetically modified, the best time for sweet corn is still summer. Field corn is grown for animal feed. You may find ornamental (Indian) corn and even popcorn ears: whole dried ears that respond to a deep freeze, a quick shucking, and then, pop!

➤ What to Look For: White, yellow, or bicolor varieties abound, as do individual tastes. The husk should be closed around the ear. The tip should be filled out with niblets. The colored tassel should be dark and intact. Ears with smaller uniform kernels are desirable. If you find a dark fungus (now a gourmet item on some Mexican menus called huitlacoche), put it back—save the gourmet item for the restaurant.

➤ Why: The most important RealAge-smart nutrient in corn is potassium.

➤ How to Use: Sweet corn can be eaten without cooking, with a quick steam or brief boil. You can soak whole ears in water and then grill them, husk and all. Niblets shaved off ears can be tossed into cold salads or hot soups and stews, or combined with beans and squash for succotash.

This Tip was published in 'Cooking The RealAge Way, Turn Back Your Biological Clock with More Than 80 Delicious and Easy Recipes (MICHAEL F. ROIZEN, M.D. and JOHN LA PUMA, M.D.) - p180'

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